President Obama is visiting Columbus today to boost his campaign and will no doubt celebrate Friday’s news that the unemployment rate has dropped below 8%.
Ohio’s message to President Obama; welcome to the club.
How much better would the national unemployment rate be if the President followed Ohio’s model of actually encouraging business growth?
According to the NFIB the Obama Administration has over 4,000 regulations in the pipeline just waiting to be enacted upon small business owners. This avalanche of over- regulation could cost our economy over $500 billion and stifle small businesses that are already struggling to stay afloat.
Nobody is disputing the fact that reasonable government regulation of business is warranted and necessary, it clearly is. However, enacting duplicate and needless regulations requires small business owners to shift resources from actually growing their business and hiring new employees to responding to mountains of paperwork.
If the Obama Administration is actually looking for an alternative to their overregulation of small businesses they should look no further than Ohio.
Governor Kasich knows that small businesses operate on small margins, and simply can’t afford to spend money and manpower on burdensome regulations. So instead of placing additional burdens upon business owners Governor Kasich has created the Common Sense Initiative (CSI) to create a jobs and business friendly regulatory climate in Ohio.
All you have to do is look at CSI’s four principles and you know why the business climate in Ohio is greatly improved:
- Regulations should facilitate, not hinder, economic growth.
- Regulations should be transparent and responsive.
- Compliance should be as easy and inexpensive as possible.
- Regulations should be enforced fairly and consistently.
To be fair, the Obama Administration might even have something like CSI, but if so they are definitely keeping it a secret. However, while they ignore the problem there are millions of small business owners struggling daily under their burdensome regulations.
It’s unfortunate that the President doesn’t recognize the need to promote a more business friendly approach to governing. Especially when all he has to do is look no further than the state he is campaigning in today.
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