
OEA Employee: "OEA failed to bargain in good faith"

The Ohio Education Association (OEA) is Ohio’s largest government union and We Are Ohio‘s biggest in-state donor. Like so much else the unions do, this puts the lie to We Are Ohio’s angry “solidarity” rhetoric.

How? Just last summer, OEA employees represented by the Professional Staff Union (PSU) went on strike against the OEA!

OEA = Walmart? Ouch!

OEA members supporting PSU strike

From a September 4, 2010 entry on the PSU blog [Update, 09-16-2011: Here’s a PDF copy, since union staff have blocked access to the website]:

OEA claims to believe that its “most valuable resources are the people who make it strong – its members, leaders and employees.”  To accomplish this, OEA says it can and must “set the pace as a union” by “focusing on and responding to shifting demands, practicing collaborative and visionary leadership, and highly valuing its employees and partners.”

The truth of the matter is that OEA failed to bargain in good faith with PSU.  In fact, they wasted five bargaining sessions before even responding with a written counter-proposal.  Does that sound like collaborative leadership?

Emphasis in the original. “The truth of the matter is that OEA failed to bargain in good faith.” Sound familiar? Remember, these are the words of an OEA employee!

OEA certainly wasn’t “valuing its employees” when it refused to discuss the tough issues at the bargaining table, thereby forcing PSU out on strike and sacrificing YOUR association services in the meantime.

OEA also espouses that it should “foster pride in and affiliation with Association for members, employees, and partners.”

Yet, every time that OEA President Pat Frost-Brooks, Vice President Bill Leibensperger, and Secretary-Treasurer Jim Timlin cross the PSU picket line, they are strikebreaking.  A resolution adopted at the Spring 2008 Representative Assembly even says so.  It reads, Crossing a picket line, whether physically or electronically, is strikebreaking…

That makes your officers no better than the scabs that school districts like Perkins, Harrison Hills and Edison brought in to work while OEA members were striking against their school districts in order to gain a fair contract.  Does their strikebreaking foster pride in your association?  Or are you disgusted by the actions taken by your association’s officers and administrators?

On November 8, vote to rein in the power of union bosses who can’t even be trusted by their own employees. Vote Yes on Issue 2!

Even more proof OEA should not be trusted:

Follow me on Twitter: @jasonahart
Cross-posted from that hero.

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