I first caught wind of this story last night in a discussion with a friend down in Athens.
And it looks like the Ohio GOP blogosphere is ready to blow it up.
It seems the Ohio University College Democrats have come under the tutelage of ACORN with their latest GOTV effort:
Just a reminder that today we will be *MARCHING TO THE POLLS* at *1PM*! We will be meeting outside the *4TH FLOOR OF BAKER*. If you have not voted yet please come on out and *bring some friends* in the same situation. If you have already voted, we’d love to see your lovely faces cheering down Court St. too! Remember, if you bring a friend from 4th ward they are more then a friend, they’re 5 bucks! Remember, if you didn’t sign up you can still come out! The more the better!
Am I reading that right? Five bucks a vote?
Now, I’m no lawyer, but I’m guessing this part of Ohio code explicitly bars this kind of bribery.
(3) Advance, pay, or cause to be paid or procure or offer to procure money or other valuable thing to or for the use of another, with the intent that it or part thereof shall be used to induce such person to vote or to refrain from voting.
(B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of bribery, a felony of the fourth degree; and if he is a candidate he shall forfeit the nomination he received, or if elected to any office he shall forfeit the office to which he was elected at the election with reference to which such offense was committed.
My question now is this, where did these funds going come from? Student fees, perhaps?
I have an inquiry in with the OU College Dems. I’ll let you know if I hear anything back.