
Ohio Dem Chairman mocks Gov’s effort to reduce teen drug abuse

As you may have seen in the news yesterday, Governor Kasich launched a new statewide effort to prevent kids from getting hooked on drugs.

Along with former Bengal Anthony Munoz and Mrs. Kasich, he kicked off the program with a speech at West Carrollton Middle School in southwestern Ohio. Dubbed “Start talking”, the program notes that when parents talk to their kids about staying clear of drugs, they are 50% less likely to start.

Issues like this are the kind that every person can get behind and agree with. No matter what your race, your income or your political leanings, you agree that this is a very important topic and one that everyone can get behind.

Unless you are Chris Redfern and Jerid Kurtz of the Ohio Democratic Party, that is. They took the opportunity to actually mock the program.

Joe Vardon of the Columbus Dispatch was live tweeting Kasich’s speech, and tweeted one of Kasich’s line, “I believe the sun is going to come out on this problem.”.

Redfern, the Chairman of the Ohio Democratic Party responded, “Yeah, that makes sense” and attached a video of the song “Tomorrow” from the movie Annie.

ODP Communications Director Jerid Kurtz continued the ridicule of the drug abuse prevention program by following up with “It’s only a day away.”

These aren’t low level operatives. This is the top leadership of the ODP making fun of an effort to keep kids off of drugs.

This was a completely classless act, and they should apologize.

3BP asked the Drug Free Action Alliance for a response. Executive Director Marcie Seidel emailed us this statement.

The point that concerns me is that at the event, 2 parents had the great courage to share their heartbreaking stories about losing their children to drugs and a young man bravely shared his difficulties of being in recovery from heroin.

The substance abuse problem is deadly serious and these heroic people stepped forward in an effort to help shine a light on this epidemic and move Ohio to positive change.

The tweet struck me as disrespectful to these individuals and all individuals who are either personally or have family members struggling with substance abuse and drug addiction.

More than 8,000 youth ages 12-17 take their first drink every day. More than 4,000 youth ages 12-17 use an illicit drug for the first time every day. And more than 2,500 youth ages 12-17 misuse prescription drugs every day.

This is a deadly serious topic that doesn’t belong in political bantering.

We couldn’t agree more. Redfern and Kurtz owe these parents an apology.

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