Prepare yourself.
This may make your brain explode.
The latest post in the official blog of the Ohio Democratic Party was made on August 17th.
Apparently they live by that old motherly axiom of “if you have nothing good to say, then say nothing at all.”
But I digress.
The title of the post reads: Kasich Says He And His Wall Street Buddies Are Responsible for Ohio Job Loss
Here is how their leap of logic works.
Kasich tweeted a link to a Washington Post story about North Dakota coming to Ohio to poach Ohioans for jobs in the Great White North. —-> The Post story stated North Dakotans avoided “risky loans” so they were able to helped them continue their economic growth —-> Kasich worked for Lehman Brothers —-> Kasich caused the national global meltdown
And then somehow they circle that back to Kasich actually saying he’s responsible for Ohio job loss.
I’ll give you a second to go grab a few advil for that pounding migraine you are now most assuredly suffering.
Now, for the sake of the Ohio Democratic Party, and for the sake of my readers, I won’t go into that embarrassingly stupid leap of logic.
But what I will do is thank the Ohio Dems.
Thank you for continuing to make the Ohio economy and Ohio jobs the number one issue in the minds of Ohioans, despite every effort by the Strickland Administration to maintain a focus on education.
Thank you for highlighting that Kasich is addressing the job crisis.
Thank you for reenforcing Kasich’s use of new ways to communicate with the voters.
In fact, I have an idea for a new slogan to suggest to Chris Redfern.
The Ohio Democratic Party – Kevin DeWine’s Best Friend.
Keep up the good work, fellas.