The Ohio Democratic Party is doing everything they can lately, (and failing miserably), to deflect attention away from the train wreck that is the launch of Obamacare. In doing so, they really seem to be losing it.
Two weeks ago, Deputy Director of Communications Brian Hester dismissed as insignificant the millions of people who are losing the health plan they liked. Obamacare regulations are forcing them off of their current plans and on to more expensive ones that meet the minimum coverage requirements dictated by the central planners who wrote the ACA. No matter that most of these folks don’t need or want the additional coverage they are now forced to buy.
This week, the number of people who have enrolled in a health care plan through the pathetic failure known as was released. The result was a humiliating 27,000 people. A complete disaster for the Obama administration.
Ohio Republican Party Chairman Matt Borges posted that figure on Twitter. In response, Ohio Democratic Party Communications Director Jerid Kurtz responded that the blame lies with…get this…Ohio Lt. Governor Mary Taylor?
.@ChairmanBorges you see states tht set up own exchanges beat fed in sign ups? Too bad @MaryTaylorOH didnt do job.
Ohio Dems seem to be cracking up under the humiliation of the catastrophe of the launch of their signature law. The Obama administration had over 3 and a half years to prepare for October’s launch.
In the same amount of time from 1941 to 1945, the United States went from being bombed at Pearl Harbor, to mobilizing millions of people, building hundreds of thousands of tanks, jeeps and planes, to invading Hitler’s Europe and defeating Nazi Germany. All while fighting Japan at the same time on the other side of the globe.
And the Democrats couldn’t build a website.
But Jerid Kurtz wants you to know that they couldn’t do it because of Mary Taylor. That’s just plain pitiful.
I also find it hilarious that Kurtz and the Ohio Democratic Party are outright admitting that Mary Taylor would have done a better job than Barack Obama and Kathleen Sebelius.
No doubt about it. Ohio Dems are running scared over Obamacare.