We’ve heard some news that the Ohio Republican Party, run by Chairman Kevin DeWine, has kicked out Congressman Steve Stivers and Ohio State Senate campaigns from its headquarters. Only ORP staff is being allowed to stay. Apparently they are setting up their war room for their coordination against Governor Kasich. DeWine and his staff apparently will stop at nothing to stay in power.
For those who do not know, Governor John Kasich asked DeWine to step down over a year ago. Conservatives and tea-party groups are also unhappy with DeWine and want new leadership. There are several candidates running for the State Central Committee, and those results tonight could determine whether DeWine keeps his job.
Here are a few links where we have covered the desperate moves made by DeWine.
Who voted for DeWine’s illegal rule change?
This is Kevin DeWine’s kind of Republican. Let’s kick her out of the ORP.