3BP readers don’t need to be told how important Ohio is in the electoral college, especially to Republicans. Iowa is now famous for its straw poll, but as critical as Ohio is to any Republican running for president, shouldn’t Ohio also have an early say? The Franklin County Republican Party agreed, and has organized the first ever presidential straw poll in Ohio.
The Swing State Straw Poll will be held this Saturday at the Ohio State University student union from 1:00-2:30. The cost to attend and cast your vote is only $25. You can register at the website here.
In case you haven’t heard, our presidential primary might be pushed back to the summer, because of the Ohio Democratic Party’s incessant abuse of Ohio’s referendum system after voters sent them packing last November. If that happens, we would be the second to last state to hold a primary, likely having no say in the nominating process. So, this may be our only chance to make an impact.
Most of the 3BP crew will be there, and we hope to see you, too.