Just a few short years ago, Ohio was one of the worst places to do business. But don’t take my word for it, just ask those who actually run a business.
From 3BP in 2010:
Well, last week, CEO Magazine released their results of their survey of 651 CEOs from across the nation. They asked them to grade the best states for business. Each state was scored in three categories; taxation and regulation, quality of workforce and living environment. Each one of these categories can be directly affected by the Governor of a state.
And where did Ohio rank?
Additionally, in the past five years, Ohio has plummeted 24 spots.
It’s very simple. If a state isn’t attractive to those that retain and create jobs, then jobs will ultimately be lost.
44th. That’s downright awful. It’s no wonder Ohio lost 400,000 jobs under Strickland. And it’s certainly no wonder why Ohio voters didn’t give him another four years.
But since then, things have turned around. A lot.
Simply put, “a good state is one that understands the private sector pays for the public sector and makes it easy for the private sector to conduct business and grow,”remarks David N. Willis, CEO of CRW Parts, a Baltimore wholesale distribution firm. “California, New York and Illinois have high costs of living, high taxes and high regulation,” says Mark Larsen, CEO of Maxxcap Group, a mid-size financial services firm. Additionally, each of these states makes it difficult, and often worse, than other places to do business. By contrast, “states like Texas and Ohio are consistently trying to help us grow our business and are listening to the leaders of companies to help solve problems,” says Toledo-based Impact Products CEO Terry Neal.
In fact, CEO’s around the country viewed Ohio as the most improved over the last year, jumping from #35 in 2012 to #22 in 2013. That’s a full 22 spots since 2010. Ohio has gone from one of the ten worst states to do business, to cracking the top half… in just two years.
I wonder what changed? Oh yea…
Under the leadership of Governor John Kasich, Ohio is improving in the eyes of those that create jobs. It’s no wonder the state’s unemployment rate has significantly outpaced the national rate since Kasich took office. And it’s not rocket science: reduce government red tape and jobs tend to follow.
In fact, it’s a model that all of the states ranked in the top ten share. You know what else they share?
Republican Governors.
Here’s what the full list looks like when you take a look at who’s leading things:
Republicans dominate the entire top ten. In fact, only one Democrat cracks the top 20, and only two in the top half. The average state rank among GOP Governors: 18.6. Among Democrats? A miserably low 35.8. In total, GOP Governors saw their states improve a net 15 spots. Democrats lost 17 spots.
Apparently some folks know what works to create jobs. Among them the guy who has taken the Buckeye State from 44th to 22nd in two years, Governor John Kasich.
Perhaps Obama and other Democrats could learn a thing or two, if they’re willing to listen.