
Ohioans: Still dumb.

Now, I’m not exactly a big fan of Sen. Voinovich. I’ll admit he was a great Governor for Ohio, and while he is one of the more principled members of the U.S. Senate, he is clearly not as conservative as I’d like. But with that being said, this poll that came out recently pretty much made me question the sanity of Ohioans across the state.

The Dayton Daily News reports PPP shows Vonovich (R-Cleveland) getting beat by Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner (D) 42 to 38 percent and also being beat against Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher (D) 40 to 38 percent.”

Jennifer Brunner? The Jennifer Brunner who got away with this kinda crap? And this? And this!?

Yep. That one.

Clearly, this isn’t acceptable. Brunner has no honor and has disrespected the office to which she was elected. And it’s up to Ohioans to stop this train before it builds up anymore speed.

While voter fraud may not be in the news anymore, it’s still vital that news organizations throughout Ohio dig deeper into the plethora of voting scandals that plagued Ohio during this election cycle and made the Buckeye state a national joke in the media and elsewhere.

Keep investigating. Keep pounding away. Build up the ammo necessary to make sure Secretary of State Brunner never represents Ohio again.

UPDATE: It was recently pointed out by a reader that the DDN has updated their article since this 3BP post was published. It turns out the PPP poll referenced by the paper was taken over the course of this past year. Yes, the whole year. Someone remind me never to pay attention to PPP polls again. Since the accuracy is suspect there just may be hope for Ohioans afterall. It should also be pointed out that a recent SurveyUSA poll gauged Voino’s approval rating at a respectable 51%.

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