Democrats like to use scare tactics to mold public opinion to what they want it to be (so they can get reelected). Such scare...
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Democrats like to use scare tactics to mold public opinion to what they want it to be (so they can get reelected). Such scare...
Guest post by Jake After spending the better part of the past two and a half years failing to sell us on Obamacare, the...
In 2008, the Food and Drug Administration conditionally approved Avastin, a drug taken by women who have late-stage breast cancer. According to the Wall...
AARP has launched a membership campaign featuring Betty White, who, by the way, looks great for being a one hundred thirty-year-old woman. The spots...
I recently read Jason Hart’s blog entry about death panels, in which he plays a video clip of Nobel-prize winning economist and part-time lawn...
Because seven is such a lucky number, many of you are thinking the seventh week of Soak the Rich is the one where we...
Sarah Palin’s reportedly ignorant belief that Obamacare cuts cost by way of a “death panel” of bureaucrats passing down coverage decrees is nearly as...
The Ohio Education Association (OEA) affiliate in New Albany is serious about cutting costs, and the union is making the tough decisions to prove...
Good news for the registered Socialists who wish President Obama were a little further left on the political spectrum – Sherrod Brown’s got your...