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Third Base Politics


“Today Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) commended Gov. John Kasich’s FY 2012-13 budget proposal, which eliminates an $8 billion hole without raising taxes. Relying...


Just a quick update for now. You can read a brief summary of the governor’s proposed budget here. The key points:– K-12 education is...


There’s not much I can add to this. I just found this article from about our favorite pirate, Ohio Democrat Party Chairman Chris...


Talk about much ado about nothing. So, tomorrow evening is the big public event where John Kasich is holding a town hall to unveil...


3BP readers are consistent, if anything. Mitch Daniels agains wins the poll by a wide margin. Daniels won the last poll we did in...

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.



Ken Blackwell

Third Base Politics