Despite his lefty leanings, Nate Silver of the New York Times is well respected by both sides for his exhausting statistical analyses of elections....
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Despite his lefty leanings, Nate Silver of the New York Times is well respected by both sides for his exhausting statistical analyses of elections....
Here’s something completely non-political, but I just had to share it. You may want to grab a kleenex. Ike Ditzenberger is a 17-year-old high...
That’s it. He’s done. The Plain Dealer article about the internal Fisher for Ohio strategy memo has spread like wildfire this afternoon. And on...
We’ve been annoyed with Mary Jo Kilroy’s ridiculous claims about her TARP vote for awhile. And now it looks like the Stivers team has...
I’m running out of fingers. I can’t keep up with the malfeasance of the Strickland Administration. I’m sure many of you saw this on...
This was the scene earlier today in Athens, Ohio at the latest GOTV rally on the Ohio Democratic Party’s bus tour. It featured LG...
Ohio Congresswoman Betty Sutton’s claim to fame is Cash for Clunkers. It got her on the political map and the program was one of...
In 2008, a Democratic wave of absentees voters washed over Republicans. In 2010, things are looking a bit different. With early voting under way...
The Obama White House has made it a priority of theirs to make Ohio’s own John Boehner enemy #1. Ya can’t exactly blame them....
Sean Trende over at Real Clear Politics has an analysis of the state of the Ohio Governor’s race that puts my poll analyses to...