Bad news, Tom, we did it again. We read someone’s blog. When Donald Allen (Tom Z’s pick for Gov) isn’t pontificating on his blog...
Hi, what are you looking for?
Bad news, Tom, we did it again. We read someone’s blog. When Donald Allen (Tom Z’s pick for Gov) isn’t pontificating on his blog...
As was reported last night by an apparently clairvoyant Henry Gomez, Edard Fitzgerald picked Sharon Newhart as his (2nd pick) for Lt. Gov.: CLEVELAND,...
On Monday, we shared with you that Tom Zawistowski of the We The People Convention announced that he had another pair of candidates that...
Let’s be honest. While it’s fun to cheerlead for Todd Portune in his possible primary campaign against Ed Fitzgerald, he really has no chance....
So I got a very interesting and unexpected message yesterday. Jo Ingles from NPR Radio contacted me and asked me to call her station....
Eight days ago, the Ohio Liberty Coalition-backed candidates, Ted Stevenot & Brenda Mack, backed away from challenging Governor Kasich in the Republican gubernatorial primary....
3BP has learned that the Ohio tea party movement has found new candidates to support in a primary challenge against Governor Kasich for the...
On Friday, the Plain Dealer hosted an online poll between Ed Fitzgerald and Todd Portune on its website. Obviously, this was not a scientifically...
Talk of Ed Fitzgerald’s inability to connect with the black community in his own county is nothing new. In fact, it was likely an...
From kicking millions off of their health insurance, to causing mass layoffs throughout Ohio and the nation, Obamacare is a nightmare. And now it’s...