…or so the MSM, or conservative rivals, may want to remind you in 2011 when the GOP primary starts heating up.
As we heard last week, Palin selected a pro-choice Judge for the Alaskan Supreme Court. The right-leaning blogosphere has done a solid job of making sure we all understand that she didn’t just pick this person out of nowhere. In fact, the Alaskan Judicial Council provides the nominees that Palin must choose from. Both picks this time around were left-leaning and the Gov was pretty much in a no-win situation.
Now, to take it a step further, some may wonder who selects the members of this Council. Many may assume it’s the Governor, and because of that she is partly to blame for having such poor SC candidates to choose from.
Well, 3BP checked it out and just to make sure the record is straight on this, and yes – the Governor is responsible for the selection of a portion of the Council.
The Council is made up of seven people. The current Supreme Court Chief Justice is the chair of the Council. Three are attorneys chosen by the Alaskan Bar Association and three are non-Attorney members selected by the Governor. Unfortunately for Gov. Palin, during her tenure she has only had a chance to select one member — William Clarke.
There ya have it. And don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll have to remind you again in a couple years.