An article in today’s Politico, a daily must-read online resource for DC insiders, delves into a question we’ve addressed on multiple occasions here on 3BP, that being John Kasich’s early campaign strategy.
The article begins with a narrative we’ve seen often from Ohio Democrats:
Former Rep. John Kasich (R-Ohio) is an author, former Fox News host and short-lived presidential candidate, but you’d hardly know it from his uncharacteristically low-profile campaign for governor.
Since announcing his gubernatorial bid on June 1, Kasich has been all but silent on what is widely recognized as the single most pressing issue facing Ohio at the moment: a $3.2 billion budget shortfall.
[Kasich] Spokesman Rob Nichols explained that Kasich had refrained from offering his views on the budget — which Strickland finally signed into law on Friday, more than two weeks overdue — because “we didn’t want to parachute in and politicize the process.”
First off, props to Nichols. This is exactly what 3BP said in rebuttal to similar accusations from the Columbus Dispatch’s Joe Hallet.
But seeing this theme of ‘Kasich laying low’ come up again in a national story obviously ticked us off.
Then we clicked on page 2.
Quotes from Alex Triantafilou, the chairman of the Hamilton County Republican Party and Doug Preisse, Chairman of the Franklin County Republican Party, echoed exactly what we’ve been saying for months – John Kasich’s best strategy is sitting back and letting Strickland take the heat.
Clearly, after looking at the latest polls from PPP and Quinnipiac, it’s working.
Democrats can complain all they want. Kasich has 15 months to communicate his positions to the voters. And he should be taking his time in formulating those positions so Ohioans have a clear understanding of what he’ll do as Governor.
If Dems want to play politics with responsible campaigning, fine, but it won’t do them any good.