
Pressure is on, Lee.

Lee Fisher is set to release his numbers soon. Did Wednesday’s fundraiser with the Vice-President help him break his slump?

Let me know when you stop laughing at the previous question.

Here’s the expectations as set by the Washington Post:

Lee Fisher (D): Fisher, the Ohio lieutenant governor, has consistently been one of the most disappointing fundraisers on either side of the aisle. Fisher’s numbers through mid-April — $3.9 million raised, $906,000 on hand through mid-April — weren’t good and didn’t take into account all of the spending he did in advance of the state’s May 4 primary. Having lost his second campaign manager earlier this month, it seems unlikely that Fisher turned his financial ship around. And, if he didn’t, the fundraising disparity between he and former Rep. Rob Portman (R) will start to matter — Portman is already on television — in the coming weeks.

This comes on the news from Rasmussen this morning that Portman has taken a 43-39 lead in the race.

What else did we learn?

Ohioans are for Arizona’s style of kicking illegal immigration’s butt.
They want Obamacare repealed.
They support offshore drilling.
They overwhelmingly believe the Tea Party movement is good for America.
They think Obama has done a crappy job in Afghanistan.

And they still disapprove of the job Ted Strickland has done as Governor, 43-55.

I think it’s safe to say momentum is on Rob’s side, eh?

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