Protect Women Ohio (PWO) announced it is launching two new 60-second ads aimed at exposing and defeating Ohio’s dangerous anti-parent “abortion rights” amendment. In addition, PWO in partnership with Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America is currently hiring field representatives to go to targeted doors in their community to conduct a simple survey on pro-life issues. Supporters of the amendment are currently collecting signatures to get it placed on the November 2023 ballot. The objective of these efforts is to raise awareness so that Ohioans will think twice before signing a petition to support the amendment.
Moms explain why they can’t support amendment
The two new ads are part of a $6 million statewide television and digital ad buy. The ads feature Ohio moms Libby McCartney and Linda Corbitt explaining how the ACLU-backed “abortion” amendment will eliminate parental notification and consent requirements for minors seeking to obtain abortions or sex change surgeries.
Currently hiring field representatives at $15/hr.
Pro-Life field representatives will start at $15/hour and are reimbursed $0.30/mile for travel. Hours are flexible (up to 40 hr. /week). Representatives must be 16 or older, able to abide by strict daily reporting requirements, and in harmony with the pro-life mission. Efforts are already underway and have been found to be very effective.
If you or someone you know is interested in a field representative position, contact your closest field office: Cleveland/Toledo area: or (216) 325-8245; Cincinnati/Dayton area: or (513)204-9015; Columbus area: or (513)349-1955. See flyer below.
“Abortion rights” amendment tramples on parental rights
A legal analysis of the amendment characterized it as disastrous. The analysis concludes that if passed the proposed amendment would allow no-limits abortion and other reproductive procedures for adults and minors and remove parental rights. Complete strangers who assist children in obtaining life-altering procedures would find themselves on the right side of the law, while parents who try to protect their children would be deemed to have run afoul of the law. And if enshrined as part of the state constitution, elected representatives in Columbus will be powerless to pass any statute that would undo the damage.
“Parents have every reason to fear the ACLU’s extreme agenda,” said Molly Smith, PWO board member. “As a mom of five, I stand with Libby, Linda, and all Ohio parents in opposing this amendment that threatens our rights.”
Watch the new ads
Watch Libby McCartney explain why she can’t support the amendment here.
Watch Linda Corbitt explain her objections to the amendment here.
Linda Corbitt explains
In the ad featuring Linda Corbitt she says: “They’re going after my kids, and I get really passionate about it because I can’t support something where I lose my parental rights. The language in this amendment takes away our rights as parents to be involved with the decisions that our children make.
If they wanted it to be about just abortions, they would have made it just about abortions. They added in these really loose language terms such as reproductive decisions.
So, it could be my 11-year-old daughter going out making decisions without my involvement. She can say I’m going to go get a sex change and I can’t say or do anything about it because we have this amendment now that eliminates my right as a parent.
They could have made a distinction between adults and minors, but they didn’t.
So what do they mean when they say the state shall not burden or the state shall not interfere with it. It means that I lose that right to protect my child.
This amendment is so much more than pro-life versus pro-choice. It’s going directly after our children. I cannot support this amendment.”
About PWO
Protect Women Ohio is a coalition of concerned family and life leaders, parents, health and medical experts, and faith leaders in Ohio. Molly Smith, Founding Member of Right to Life Action Coalition of Ohio, Aaron Baer, president of Center for Christian Virtue, and Peter Range, CEO of Ohio Right to Life, serve as members of the PWO Board of Directors.
More about PWO here.
Donate to PWO here.
More about the “abortion rights” amendment here.