Late tomorrow morning we learn the latest numbers on the Ohio Gov race from Quinnipiac, the most accurate statewide pollster from the 2008 election.
Quick predictions…
– Kasich up by 5 on Strickland (this would be a ten point swing from July)
– Kasich name recognition up only 10 (meaning most voters are more anti-Strickland than necessarily pro-Kasich)
– Independents increase support for Kasich
– Democrat support for Strickland grows weaker, but not by much
– Strickland approval/disapproval numbers flip
I’ll have a poll analysis up a little after 5:30 tomorrow, so keep an eye out.
In other news, Kasich’s campaign store is up and running. Create an account for yourself, buy a shirt and some bumper stickers, and enjoy the swag.
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