The following is a report from a member of the Ohio University College Republicans that traveled this weekend up to Massachusetts to help the Scott Brown for Senate campaign. My initial take on their trip can be seen here.
Myself and 13 others were dispatched to Foxboro to make calls and visit voters door to door. While some of the voters were a bit annoyed by the sheer numbers of calls they were receciving, from the campaign and other 3rd party groups, most had a very positive reaction to our efforts and showed real enthusiasm for the campaign.
Person after person wanted to know where you were, not for any other reason than to investigate haw calls were going from your location, because they were volunteers in another office across the state. The number of people in and out of these offices to help out is something I have never seen before.
The real treat of the trip took place when a few of us made the trip to Worcester for the People’s Rally. The first location for the rally filled up so quick that 2 other remote locations were picked to show live feed of the event. For being told to go to a satellite location you would think people would be upset, but not these voters. They took to the street marching in a group of around one thousand to the new location.
The pure passion of this event was worth every second of the 13 hour car ride. Scott Brown gave a speech that rivals any I have ever heard. It was only made better when he announced on screen that he would be visiting the overflow locations. When Brown entered the ballroom you would have thought a rock star had entered. When he saw all that had come to the satellite location and stayed to hear him, he was stunned.
Afterwards, myself and my buddies ran out in an attempt to see him off. As he was pulling out the parking lot he rolled down his window and shouted thanks to us for coming. Then to our surprise he told his driver to stop so he could meet us. When we told him we had come all the way from Ohio to help the campaign he was overwhelmed. The genuine gratitude in his reaction was refreshing.
These people want change and I truly believe, after what we saw, Scott Brown can win this thing. He is the real change.
Ya know, it’s fantastic to see this kind of enthusiasm from important foot soldiers like these guys. I’m sure many reading this probably experienced a little nostalgia as we think back to our younger days when we did everything we could to get to a rally for Reagan, Bush, or whomever. Keep up the great work, OUCRs. We’re gonna need this kind of enthusiasm for Ohio’s Republican ticket on 11.2.10.