Sherrod and his liberals pals are scared.
If you haven’t heard, Sherrod Brown released his first TV commercial today. An incumbent Senator with statewide name recognition shouldn’t need to go on the air this early. Of course, we’ve been telling you for awhile that Sherrod has reason to be nervous. When an incumbent is polling below 50%, he is considered to be vulnerable. When he is below 45%, he’s in trouble. That’s where Sherrod is.
So, to no surprise to us, Sherrod Brown came out with a negative attack ad. Of course, this is to be expected, because there is nothing positive to say about Sherrod Brown’s record in the Senate. In Sherrod Brown’s last 10 years in Congress, the national debt has increased by TEN TRILLION dollars. His answer to every problem is more government and more spending.
What is Sherrod’s answer on how to pay for it? The Buffet Rule. Seriously, he just sent out an email urging us to fight for “tax fairness”. Sherrod and his Democrat pals are racking up deficits of $1.4 trillion per year, and Sherrods answer is a tax increase (of course) that would bring in $4.7 billion. That means it would take until the year 2312 for the Buffett rule to pay for just THIS YEAR’S deficit. Even CNN says that it “won’t do much to eat away at the nation’s debt and it won’t create jobs.”
With a history of irresponsible spending and absurd solutions like that, it’s clear that Sherrod Brown, just like his buddy Barack Obama, can’t run on his record. Look for the same tactic out of Brown all year that we will see out of Obama. More and more negative ads and personal attacks. Make sure you help us get Josh Mandel the help he needs to fight back.