
Sorry, Ted. The Dispatch has a memory longer than that of a 5-year old.

When Ted announced his plan to raise taxes, I assure you he was hoping he’d be deemed courageous by some of his critics at the Columbus Dispatch. After all, for months they had been calling on the Governor to do exactly what Ted ended up doing.


“Despite his best efforts to evade fiscal reality and the demands of leadership, Gov. Ted Strickland — cornered — finally has faced up to both.”

“Despite a promising start, the Strickland administration has turned out to be one of the most dysfunctional in Ohio history.”

“Saddest of all is that a governor who entered office as man of principle, opposed to expanded gambling, ended up caving when the going got tough.”

“He diminished himself and he diminished Ohio, only to find himself forced to do what principle should have dictated that he do from the start: make the hard choices that a leader is supposed to make.”

“At no time in memory has Ohio been so poorly served by its elected leaders.”


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