“The company is very disappointed that its home-state governor would attack it in a campaign commercial,” Invacare said.
How Not to Win Re-Election Lesson 6,254: When you’ve lost over 400,000 jobs on your watch already, don’t piss off a major Ohio based company. You just look like you’ve completely lost it and certainly are not attracting new business to the state.
In case you missed the latest blunder from the Strickland campaign, they decided to attack an Ohio company, based out of Elyria, for having Kasich sit on one of its board. The ad, an incredibly stupid attempt to hit Kasich for outsourcing, drew immediate condemnation from the company itself – who just so happen to employ over 1,300 folks… making custom wheelchairs in Ohio.
Which major Ohio company will the Strickland campaign unleash on next? Battelle? Owens Corning? Procter and Gamble? Maybe the Cleveland Clinic?
As they flounder around, swinging wildly at NAFTA and outsourcing, it’s really anybody’s guess at this point.
Guest Posted by Jed Eckert.