Things have gotten pretty ugly in Strongsville, a suburb of Cleveland, following the decision to strike by the Strongsville Education Association.
As unemployed teachers arrived to apply for substitute positions, the harassment by striking union members was so bad that police had to escort the applicants through the rowdy mob for their own safety. Each prospective substitute was subjected to union members screaming in their faces as they entered the building. In this video from Cory Shaffer from the Sun Newspaper, you can witness the dignified and professional educators’ behavior towards the people who are volunteering to do the work they they have refused to do.
In the beginning, you can see one brave teacher dressed in a black hooded jacket following a lady all the way down the line. He insanely screams “GO HOME!” at the top of his lungs into her face the entire time. Is that the kind of example that the Strongsville Education Association believes is good for the students they claim to care so much about?
Towards the end of the video, a black lady is harassed and told that “Rosa Parks would be ashamed!” Would Rosa Parks really be ashamed of a black person applying for a job so she could support her family?
One of the teachers interviewed admitted that their demonstration was all about intimidation. She told the reporter, “You know, we’re trying to scare them off in hopes that maybe some positive could come out of this.”
In further attempts to promote “positive intimidation”, the teachers union has posted a photo array of unemployed teachers looking to fill the temporary jobs on Facebook, calling it their “visual of SCABS”.
I wonder what would happen if a student posted pictures of their teachers on Facebook and insulted them?
Teachers in the Strongsville City Schools earn an average of $66,500 per year, plus full benefits, retirement, and over 3 months of paid vacation.
Police were also forced to intervene when striking union members blocked the entrance to one of the school buildings.
About two dozen picketers arrived at Center Middle School Monday morning in Strongsville. It is also the site of the district’s Board of Education.
Police were forced to intervene and issued a warning to picketers when they tried to block the school entrance to arriving substitute teachers.
Picketers shouted “shame on you!” to the subs being shuttled in across the picket line. They could also be heard chanting “settle now.”
In an another incident, teachers union members were blocking parents from pulling into the school to drop off their children, banging on parents’ cars and creating a dangerous traffic situation for all involved.
(Strongsville) — Day two of the teachers strike in Strongsville, and police are trying to sort out an incident that happened on the picket line in front of Kinsner Elementary School on Tuesday morning.
Police chief Jim Kobak tells WTAM 1100 there are two different stories being told.
Chief Kobak says a parent was trying to drop her child off at the school, but the driveway was blocked by picketing teachers. The parent says she honked her car’s horn, and tried to ease her way into the school’s driveway. That was when, she says, one of the picketing teachers banged on the hood of her car.
Even worse, WMJI Radio in Cleveland has received reports from parents that some teachers instructed their students to misbehave for the substitutes and to make their jobs as difficult as possible. In addition to that, you can hear from the audio that one teacher used the school homework communication tool to send students the aforementioned “scab” photos that the teachers union has made public.
Remember, folks. This is all for the children.
Update: one striking teacher has been arrested for repeatedly blocking traffic from entering a school after several warnings from police.
According to a Strongsville Police Department report, the man was arrested at 5:35 a.m. after a police officer told the teachers they could not block the driveway into the school.
“I had advised striking teachers on three separate occasions this morning not to impede traffic from the entrance drive after the audible signal from the police to clear the intersection,” Officer Ken Bathgate wrote in the report.
Bathgate said he had to tell the teachers a fourth time not to block cars from entering the drive.
“After they continued to block the vehicle, I went up to the group and picked out the one individual I had seen at this site on the past two days who had been advised of the parameters by myself personally and then the three separate times this morning,” Bathgate said. “This subject was arrested for persistent disorderly conduct and transported back to SPD where he was processed for this violation into Berea court.”