
Ted Strickland won’t rule out running again

Ted Strickland was back in the Statehouse today for the unveiling of his portrait. (Which looks very nice, by the way. Leslie Adams did another fine job.)

Afterwards, with the press, the subject of returning to his old job was brought up.

Strickland’s speech was mostly of thanks and void of politics.

But after the event, he told reporters he’s not “ruling out anything in the future” when questions arose about the possibility of challenging Gov. John Kasich in 2014.

The Republican Kasich defeated Strickland by two points last November.

“Like I’ve said on numerous occasions, life is good for me,” Strickland said. “I worry about so many people who are finding it very, very difficult because of the economy. As I’ve said, life unfolds and I try not to predict the future.”

Yes! Maybe he can bring back the 3C slow-speed train! Let’s return to the days of bleeding jobs to other states! Oooh, I hope he brings Jobs Czar Lee Fisher back with him! Our savior returns in 2014!!

Well, time will tell, folks. It would certainly be an interesting race, and much fun to blog! We’d have 2 4-year records to compare. 2014 is a long way off. Ted’s record is history. John Kasich’s is still being written.

Back to the portrait ceremony, some liberals are actually criticizing Kasich for not attending today because he was busy attending to state business. Just like when Ted Strickland couldn’t attend Bob Taft’s portrait unveiling in 2007 because he was…busy attending to state business.

Give me a break. For one thing, if Kasich had attended, the press would’ve turned it into a political event. Furthermore, Ted Strickland has been the one out denouncing his successor and calling him names in classic sore loser sour grapes fashion, and it’s Kasich who’s being classless?

Governor Kasich showed class by NOT attending and letting Ted Strickland enjoy a special day without the contentiousness that the two of them in the same room would have brought.

Hey, if Ted Strickland was ever governor again, would he get another portrait? Hmmm…

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