
‘TERRORISM’: Ohio State Rep Seeks Arrest, Imprisonment of Gov. DeWine

Is Gov. Mike DeWine a terrorist? One state representative says “yes!”

Ohio state Rep. John Becker (R–Union Township), has asked a state appeals court to order the arrest of Gov. Mike DeWine on ten felony charges, such as bribery, terrorism, inducing panic, and interfering with civil rights. 

Ohio Revised Code 2935.09 creates a process for a “private citizen’s affidavit,” in which individuals may officially allege the commission of crimes for a prosecutor to act upon. 

Earlier this month, Becker announced his plan to put DeWine behind bars, asking Clermont County Prosecutor Vince Faris to file such charges at the beginning of the month, to which Faris declined. 

Becker is now asking the Twelfth District Court of Appeals to order Faris to prosecute DeWine. 

“The governor simply isn’t getting the message that the people’s liberties need to be respected and a governor has no right to assume imperial and dictatorial powers without regard to any alleged emergency,” Becker wrote. “Therefore, I filed this Private Citizen Affidavit for their benefit and for the benefit of the growing number of Ohioans who have been chanting, ‘LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!’” 

In August, Becker filed another dead-run attempt at attention-whoring, filing articles of impeachment against DeWine, focusing on DeWine and former Ohio Department of Health director Dr. Amy Acton’s emergency actions during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

“DeWine has violated the Ohio and United States constitutions, as well as multiple sections of the Ohio Revised Code,” Becker said in August. “Among his abuses of power, he meddled in the conduct of a presidential primary election and arbitrarily closed certain businesses, while allowing other businesses to remain open. He later instituted a statewide mask mandate, implementing that requirement as a condition of employment, making Ohio a hostile work environment.”    

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost dismissed Becker’s attempts at playing lawyer, as anyone else with a good head on their shoulders would do.    

“If the affidavit had said the governor turned into a werewolf at midnight and knocked over a liquor store, it should be dismissed on its face,” Yost wrote on Twitter. “Representative Becker’s affidavit is equally absurd — and warrants no expenditure of law enforcement resources.”     Becker’s a lame duck, but not just because he’s term-limited and will be leaving office soon.

He’s a duck because he’s a quack!          

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