Despite Kasich’s 2nd book, Stand for Something, being published a full 2 years prior, Strickland spokeswoman Lis Smith still took to Twitter to mock the book royalties it made two years after its release.
Nevermind both of Kasich’s books landed on the New York Times bestseller list, right?
But enough of the facts. Let’s get to the fun.
In response to a friend’s question on Twitter asking how many NYT bestsellers Ohio Democrats had written, I proposed the idea that my twitter followers, or Tweeps, come up with some of their own proposed titles for books written by Ohio Democrats.
Well, that idea sorta exploded.
Here are my faves:
How to Double Unemployment in Three Short Years, by Ted Strickland “Office Etiquette”, by Marc Dann “Fundraising for Dummies”, by Jennifer Brunner “No Shirt, No Sense, No Problem” by Lee Fisher “What She Said”, by Lee Fisher “How to Tweet Like a 14-Year Old Girl”, by Chris Redfern “Alienating Tomorrow’s Leaders” by Armond Budish “Dog The Voter Bounty Hunter” by Susan Gwinn “Really Good Movies about Pot” – Strickland’s Director of the Ohio Film Office (see: “City Budgeting for Dummies”, by Dennis Kucinich “101 things to see on the drive into my district” by Paula Brooks “I Voted For It Before I Voted Against It, a lesson in winning elections” by Zack Space w/forward by J. Kerry “Hey Dude, Where’s My District?”, by Paula Brooks “How to Live on Food Stamps” by Jennifer Brunner’s campaign staff “Jello-Lust” by Ted Strickland “The Legend of Begger Vance” by Ted Strickland “War and Peace” (extended and revised version for 3-C Rail Travel), by Ted Strickland “Where in the world am I” by Yvette McGee Brown “How to Win Friends and Influence Troopers” by Kent Markus & Cathy Collins-Taylor “The bank of mom and dad” by David Pepper “Superfudge: The tale of Ohio’s Budget” by Pari Sabety
Hilarious stuff.
A special thanks goes out to the ODP and all Ohio Dem officeholders and candidates for providing us with an obscene amount of material.