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Third Base Politics


The Buttwhoopin’ Cometh…

This morning Ohio Republicans were greeted with the soothing words of Quinnipiac.

John Kasich was up 17 points on Ted Strickland.

The difference between this Quinnipiac poll and the last one taken in early summer? They polled likely voters, not just registered voters.

Well that and John Kasich is absolutely destroying Ted Strickland.

The most interesting number to me?

88% of Kasich voters are sure of their vote. With 47 days to go, that’s astounding to me. That means any efforts Strickland may make to tear away those voters becomes that much more difficult.

But ultimately, it’s not rational to simply look at one poll and say “that’s where this race stands”. No poll is perfect, and as we’ve been saying, you have to look at them all to truly gauge where the race stands.

Fortunately, does that for us.

Right now we’re at a 10.3% margin.

I’ll take it.

Unfortunately, that lead also means we lose my 2nd favorite pollster…the guys at Dem polling firm Public Policy Polling:

It’s really gotten that bad, guys? Wow.

Two things to remember. One, right now Strickland is in the basement. The numbers don’t get much worse than this for Democrats in Ohio unless you’ve got a scandal you’re currently caught up in. That means he’s got nowhere to go but up.

And second, Ohio conservatives can’t stop fighting. A win is a win, but absolutely destroying Strickland can send shockwaves throughout Ohio. Not only would it mean our guy in the Governor’s seat, but it would cause a ripple effect throughout the state. A blowout would bring long coattails with it, and that means an increased likelihood of a statewide sweep, a takeover of the Ohio House, and maybe even bad news for the likes of Charlie Wilson, Betty Sutton, Marcy Kaptur, and Zack Space.

The message? Don’t let up. Keep pounding away.

And finally, I hate to leave the Democrats that read this blog all sad and teary eyed, so here’s a video of a chimp on a segway. Enjoy.

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


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