Guest posted by Bytor
I believe our national debt is becoming a national security threat. And while the debt has accelerated faster under the previous 4 years of Democrat control of Congress than at any other time, both parties are to blame.
Senator Tom Coburn’s latest editorial in The Washington Examiner is definitely worth a read. He has some advice for the new Congress (emphasis mine).
It’s not about Republicans. It’s about the republic. In the past decade, experts on both sides have boasted about permanent majorities. The country has no time for such foolishness.
Our future is as uncertain and tenuous as at any point in our history. The perfect political moment to tackle our debt problem will always be a mirage just beyond the horizon of the next election.
The time for hard choices, and leadership that honors our heritage of service and sacrifice, is now.
The enemy is not the other party, the president or your colleagues but the idea that the federal government is at the center of our national life, the equalizer of all injustice and the provider of material wealth.Ideas are much harder to displace than individuals. Running the table in 2012 will not solve anything if the country is not prepared to change their expectations of the federal government.
The left is betting that the public’s support for entitlements, once acquired, will trump their disgust with deficits. This is the real debate that will determine the future of our country.
Boehner has described the House as an “outpost in Washington for the American people and their desire for a smaller, less costly and more accountable government.”I’d suggest the new members have a chance to secure not just an outpost, but a beachhead for freedom in a struggle as significant as any in our history.
For new members, this can be your D-Day against debt, and the dissolution of the republic itself. You can make history not with your words, but with your actions.
Go read the whole thing. I pray that the incoming freshman Congressmen and Senators share this mindset. While the election of dozens of new conservative voices like Rob Portman, Ron Johnson and Marco Rubio is certainly worth celebrating, lets hope that we, as a party, have also learned the lessons of the rise and fall of the Republican Revolution of 1994.