OK, in truth, it may not be number 186. I’ve lost count.
Debe Terhar, who is president of the State Board of Education, recently reposted a picture on her Facebook account. It showed a picture of Adolf Hitler, and contained the commentary “Never forget what this tyrant said: ‘To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens.’ — Adolf Hitler.”
I’m not going to defend what she did. It was a boneheaded thing for a state official to do. People in such positions should know better than to compare their political adversaries to the world’s worst murdering despots.
Naturally, Ohio Democratic Party Chairman Chris Redfern, jumped at the opportunity to attack Governor Kasich for Terhar’s ill-advised post. He issued this statement:
“While there is always room for respectful differences in opinions, State School Board President Terhar’s facebook posting crossed a clear line by connecting the President’s national discussion on guns to Adolf Hitler,” said Ohio Democratic Chairman Chris Redfern. “President Terhar’s invocation of Hitler is dangerousand should not be tolerated by Governor Kasich and the rest of the State School Board.
“In the past, Governor Kasich has called for more civility in the political debate, and now he has a prime opportunity to backup his words with action. In the absence of a full, formal apology from Terhar, Kasich has a duty to remove his hand-picked State School Board President from office. Under no circumstances is it permissible for Governor Kasich to look the other way while members of his Administration use dangerous, inflammatory rhetoric and images to further their political ideology.”
This isn’t the first time an Ohio elected official has invoked Hitler to criticize someone from the opposite party. Two years ago, Senator Sherrod Brown, a Democrat, compared Governors Kasich and Walker to Hitler on the floor of the U.S. Senate (then later tried to deny it on MSNBC.)
Let’s recall the harsh words that Captain Redfern had for Sherrod Brown regarding his “dangerous, inflammatory rhetoric.”
That’s right. Redfern didn’t see a problem at all with Sherrod Brown comparing Kasich to Hitler on C-SPAN, but when Deb Terhar simply shares someone else’s photo in a much less public forum than the floor of the U.S. Senate, he’s fit to be tied and calling for heads to roll.
Of course, what should we expect from a clown who doesn’t live in the district he is supposed to represent after criticizing a Republican for doing the exact same thing?