With Voino’s departure, that opens up a number of potential candidates for the vacant Senate seat. Names like Mike DeWine and Mary Taylor have been thrown around, but none is more deserving or more capable of winning than Former Rep. Rob Portman.
sidebar: Picking Portman was particularly tough since I remember working with Mary Taylor back in 2002 on the Ann Womer Benjamin congressional race….not only is she extremely good natured and bright…but she’d also carry on the Sarah Palin tradition of high profile GOP hotties.
Portman for Senate and Kasich for Governor would provide the Ohio GOP with the two big names we need to start winning again in the Buckeye State.
Today, a facebook group was started up to support Portman if he decides to run for the Senate seat. Ya gotta love how the internet and social networking has changed politics. Utilization of these tools are becoming the internet’s version of candidate yardsigns.
Just like sticking a sign in your yard, signing up for a group on facebook doesn’t necessarily mean that individual is going to donate cash or walk door-to-door for a candidate, but it shows momentum and it makes that individual more inclined to actually go out and VOTE. You see your friends joining the group, and it makes you more likely to join the cause, or at least give more thought to supporting the candidate.
The times, they are a’changin’.