Huge news this morning for Ohioans.
According to figures released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Ohio’s unemployment rate dropped from 7.9% in December to 7.7% last month. Our unemployment rate is now well below the national average and moving in the right direction.
The kicker, Ohio added an astounding 32,800 jobs in January.
Ohio’s unemployment rate fell to 7.7 percent in January, down from a revised 7.9 percent in December and the lowest rate since November 2008, according to state figures out this morning that also show the state’s employers added a whopping 32,800 jobs in January.
The drop in the rate and the gain in jobs are fresh signs that the state’s economy is continuing to pull out of the recession. (emphasis added)
The numbers tell the story. Until August of 2011, Ohio’s unemployment rate was basically the same as the national rate. Since then, we have seen a steady and significant decline in our unemployment rate even as the national average declined by lower margins.
August also happens to be the month immediately after Governor Kasich’s Jobs Budget was passed. With his leadership, Ohio’s reputation as an anti-business state is becoming a thing of the past. Governor Kasich’s number one priority has been jobs and it’s hard to argue that we aren’t seeing real results from his efforts to open up Ohio for business.
I’m not saying that there isn’t still work to be done, but you can’t argue with success.