
The Life Blood of Ohio Democratic Politics Rejects Zack Space

From Politico:

Still smarting over Democratic Rep. Zack Space’s opposition to the health care reform bill, a coalition of Ohio labor groups is moving forward with a campaign urging voters not to support his reelection bid.

The Service Employees International Union is preparing to launch a campaign, dubbed “Skip-a-Space,” against the second-term Democrat, urging 18th District voters to withhold their support for Space — a move that threatens to imperil his competitive November bid against Republican state Sen. Bob Gibbs.


I imagine Space was thrilled when he was told by Pelosi that he could flip flop on his original yea vote on Obamacare. After all, the Dems had the votes for passage and if a few targeted seats could get out of making another politically damaging vote, they rightly should. After all, it’s not like their base wouldn’t understand.


As we all know by now, Big Labor is the heart and soul of Democratic politics in Ohio. While Space still is getting some support from folks like the AFL-CIO, this clearly damages the Congressman’s hopes for re-election.

On top of the efforts of the SEIU, Space also learned yesterday of another third party hit from an organization called the Committee for Truth in Politics. Here’s the ad going up in Ohio’s 18th.

While Gibbs doesn’t have quite the financial muscle to compare with Space, these third party attacks will do serious damage and weaken Space from all sides.

With Rep. Boccieri’s seat moving yesterday from a Lean Dem to Toss-Up in Charlie Cook’s popular race ratings, could Ohio’s 18th be far behind?

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