If you haven’t yet, go check out Josh Mandel’s new website, and sign up to volunteer or make a donation. Travis Considine recently published some information there about Sherrod Brown’s record on jobs as Ohio’s Senator for the last 5 years. It’s not very good. When you hear Sherrod Brown speak about his record, it’s like you’ve entered into another dimension…there’s a sign post up ahead…
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Sherrod Brown Twilight Zone |
As the 2012 Ohio U.S. Senate campaign moves forward, the Josh Mandel campaign will present occasional episodes in The Sherrod Brown Twilight Zone. Our pilot episode comes to us from a bizarre statement made just last Thursday by Senator Brown himself on Columbus’ WBNS-10TV:
“I think this whole race, as it should be, is about the five years that I’ve worked in the Senate for job creation in this state.”
When Sherrod Brown was sworn into office in January 2007, Ohio’s unemployment rate was 5.4%. Today it stands at 7.7%. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website, www.data.bls.gov, Accessed 3/4/12) (Ohio Department of Job and Family Servicies Website, http://jfs.ohio.gov/releases/unemp/201202/unemppressrelease.asp, Accessed 3/5/12)
Brown predicted the stimulus bill passed in 2009 would help create 133,000 jobs in Ohio. Since then, Ohio has lost more than 81,300 jobs. (Senator Sherrod Brown Website, www.brown.senate.gov, Accessed 1/26/11) (Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website, www.data.bls.gov, Accessed 3/4/12)
Brown talks of leveling the playing field with China, yet since he went to Washington, the United States’ trade deficit with China has increased $272,679,500,000. (U.S. Census Bureau Website, http://www.census.gov, Accessed 3/4/12)
Almost two decades ago, Brown said America’s “massive national debt” was the greatest threat our country faced. When he said that our national debt stood at $4.2 trillion. Today, it is more than $15 trillion. (U.S. Department Of Treasury, www.treasurydirect.gov, Accessed 11/29/11) (U.S. Department Of Treasury, www.treasurydirect.gov, Accessed 3/4/12)
Considine added,
“If Sherrod Brown actually wants this election to be about his abysmal record on job creation in the last five years, then that is a point on which we can agree. Only a 37-year politician like Sherrod Brown can be living in such a fantasy land that he thinks Ohioans should reward him with six more years in Washington based on his record of massive job losses, trillions more in debt, and an even bigger trade gap with China. Ohioans know that Sherrod Brown’s extreme liberal approach of bigger government, more debt, and more Washington control over our lives is killing jobs in Ohio. The Mandel campaign is delighted that Sherrod Brown thinks this whole election should be about his failed record on job creation.”
I’m sure Sherrod’s excuse for his failures will be more of the same: Blame Bush, Blame the rich, Not enough big government.