
The Teflon Governor?

During Gov. Strickland’s entire term, Ohio’s economy has been worse off than the national economy. Per the Columbus Dispatch, this won’t be changing anytime soon. In fact, Ohio’s economic climate will continue to worsen at a rate worse than the national economy all the way through Strickland’s re-election year in 2010.

Ohio’s unmployment rate is up 24% just from last year. It’s expected to rise another 16% by 2010.

And what news do we learn from a recently conducted Quinnipac poll?

“Things look reasonably well for Democratic Gov. Ted Strickland’s re-election prospects in two years, less so for Republican Sen. George V. Voinovich, a new Quinnipiac Poll shows.

As the governor nears the midpoint of his first term, 45 percent of Ohioans say he deserves another four years, 34 percent say he doesn’t and 20 percent don’t know. When paired against an unnamed Republican candidate, Strickland leads by 20 points.

The Democratic governor’s 54-percent approval rating is his worst of the year in the Connecticut university’s survey, but not by much; it was 55 percent in June, 56 percent in February. His 2008 high was 61 percent in August.”

It seems the memory of Republican failures are still fresh in the minds of Ohioans. How else do you explain continued failure to remedy the situation?

But will this approval rating last? Without a Bush/Taft to blame anymore, will voters still be as forgiving towards Strickland in 2010?

The solution to our problem is simple enough. Tax cuts. Ohio continues to be worst among Midwestern states when it comes to its tax burden, and rather than remedy this situation, Strickland is focusing on obtaining a bailout from Washington using our federal tax dollars to pay for Ohio budget shortfalls.

Bringing businesses back to Ohio brings jobs back to Ohio. Bringing jobs to Ohio brings tax revenue to Ohio.

Gov. Strickland, don’t put a bandaid on a gaping flesh wound. It looks silly and doesn’t stop the bleeding.

Fix the problem. Bring business back to Ohio.

Vote Kasich for Governor.

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