Breaking News >> John McCain suspends campaigning to work on economy, requests postponing Friday debate; asks Obama do the same. Breaking News >> McCain Says He’ll Suspend Campaign to Deal With Financial Crisis; Wants Debate Postponed MCCAIN SUSPENDS CAMPAIGN TO FOCUS ON ECONOMY; WANTS DEBATE DELAY
Brilliant. Frickin’. Move.
Two ways Obama can respond:
1) Say no. This shows indepedents and undecideds that Obama will choose politics over America’s best interest in the midst of a national emergency.
2) Say yes. This shows independents and undecideds that Obama is McCain’s bitch. Keep playing follow the leader, Barack.
My guess? He says no. He’ll say this action shows McCain is flailing and desperate. This kind of demogoguing is what worked for him when this crisis first broke last week. Let’s see if it keeps working.
I doubt it.
Update: In all seriousness, it is a bit of a risk on McCain’s part…
1) It’s not like the media has been kind to him recently. They will focus on Obama’s angle and look at this as cynically as we are. It will be up to the McCain campaign to sell this perfectly.
2) He runs the risk of the Democrats roadblocking it. If that happens he looks like a failure.
3) He’s taking down all his ads. That means Obama’s go unanswered to the independents who watch Wheel of Fortune more than they do the news.
Update: In all actuality, it’s a good thing McCain is going to be working on the plan in some capacity. He always has been one to call out special interests and knock out earmarks whenever possible. This bailout is going to have those special interests all over it. Glad to see the toughest anti-pork guy in there to carve them out.
In fact, with all eyes on him the pressure for him to make a difference will be even greater. I imagine McCain’s finance Legislative Assistant, Legislative Director, Chief of Staff and every other staffer worth his spit will be working some serious overtime the next few days. I hope no one scheduled any vacation.