Since Gingerich’s collapse and Santorum’s exit, we all knew this moment was coming, so it’s unlikely that we’ll see fanfare, balloons or parades.
But after today, Mitt Romney will be the official GOP presidential nominee.
With today’s Texas primary, he is poised to secure the 1,144 delegates required to clinch the Republican presidential nomination.
…it becomes official today, when Texas voters are expected to push Romney over the finish line in the delegate race…
After a year of criticism that he didn’t have the strength or shrewdness to take on President Barack Obama, Romney has emerged from the bruising primary as a formidable adversary. He is a more disciplined campaigner than he was a few months ago, and he has pulled even with Obama in many national and swing-state polls.
However reluctantly they might have settled with him, most Republicans are now rallying behind him. Yesterday, 5,000 people turned out to see him pay tribute to veterans in San Diego, one of the largest crowds of his campaign.
While Democrats salivated over the sometimes bitter Republican primary battle, thinking that conservatives Americans would remain split on their support of the eventual GOP nominee, now is the time to rally behind our candidate. And yesterday’s huge crowd demonstrates exactly the kind of fervor everyday Americans have to ensure President Barack Obama lives up to his word as a “one-term proposition.”
Romney may not be the first choice of some Republican voters. But he’s got business experience to positively impact the economy, the conviction to stand up for family values, and the dedication to American ideals that will help put our great nation back on the right path.
That’s a path that “hope and change” unfortunately deterred us from in 2008. And after a 48% increase in the national debt—another $16,400 for every man, woman and child in this country—it’s a path to which we desperately need to return.
So let the race officially begin.
Go get ‘em, Mitt!