3BP broke the story last night.
And there is one clear fact that came out of this morning’s press conference: the Governor announced an $844 million tax increase on Ohioans.
After all, how else do you raise $844 million from taxpayers to cover a budget shortfall?
This is the harsh reality of the Governor’s plan – for the individual taxpayers, withholding tables were reduced effective 1/1/09. That means this year they are having taxes withheld at a lower rate than the actual taxes they will owe under the Governor’s proposal. So come tax day, every Ohio family will owe much more, or receive a much smaller refund, than they bargained for.
Ohio families will pay for the Governor’s incompetence.
The Governor framed his choices as three fold, 1) Raise sales taxes, 2) Cut education funding, or 3) freeze income tax rates.
Except those aren’t, and haven’t been, the only options, Governor.
Ted Strickland seems to forget he came into office almost 3 years ago. He’s had years to reshape how Ohio government works and reform its structure.
And he’s done nothing.
Particularly ironic was a story that came out this morning:
The state says more than 100,000 Ohio employees of major retail and restaurant chains get health insurance not from the companies but from taxpayers, through Medicaid.
The report notes that some Ohioans who could be insured through their employer opt for Medicaid instead because it costs them less or offers them more coverage.
Ohio shouldn’t be paying for 100,000 Ohio workers to get medicaid coverage that they could just as easily get through their employer, Governor. They are taking advantage of a state system that is set up for abuse and your lack of leadership has allowed this to happen.
The Governor wants to frame his choice today as one that took courage? Ridiculous. It was the only one he had left. And it’s his fault.