On Monday, we shared with you that Tom Zawistowski of the We The People Convention announced that he had another pair of candidates that he is pushing tea party groups to help him get on the ballot. They need to collect at least 1000 signatures by February 5th for Donald Allen and Kelly Kohls.
We agree with most of the positions of the tea party movement, and think that these voters are an important part of the Republican base. But where we disagree is when the demands of purity create such division within the base.
I agree with Tom on most positions, but he is leading the state’s movement to be more anti-Kasich than the Democrats. And in his desparation, he is leading the movement in a direction that is causing it to become distasteful and irrelevant to the Ohio voters we need. He is pushing candidates that would be a disaster for the Republican party to field.
Tom criticizes me for “digging” up information on his candidates. Does he think that the media won’t do their job and properly vet any candidate running for the state’s highest office? Indeed, Joe Vardon of the Columbus Dispatch reported the same Brenda Mack story that we did on the same day. Does he think that the Democrats wouldn’t use that kind of information?
I’m pretty sure Tom is smart enough to know that they would. But a little blogger like me is easier for him to take his anger out on, I suppose.
Take a look at the kind of media disaster Tom wants to lead the tea party and the Republican Party into, all for the sake of his crusade against Governor Kasich. The following is from Donald Allen’s own blog. No “digging” was necessary here. These are words that Allen posted for all to see.
It wasn’t until some time after Obama was inaugurated in January 2009 that I noticed an obvious increase in the number of African-Americans in advertising. It appeared that in any television ad that had more than one person in it, there was always an African-American there, too. Same with print advertising. There has been at least a three-fold increase in the number of African-Americans in ads. My question is, was this spontaneous or directed? Thirteen percent would be appropriate.
Advertisers have been including diversity in their ads for decades. It’s smart business. It’s not a phenomena that just started. Other posts in his blog call for a second American Civil War.
The Democrats are always trying to call Republicans, and the tea party, as a whole group, racist. If we nominated somebody who publicly posted these words, they would play them in commercial ads over and over again, and the race would be finished.
Tom and others love to point out that the Republican Party doesn’t know what it is doing, and that they would do a much better job. It’s true that the party has its faults and its failures. But is this an example of how to improve the party? Frantically promoting a person he never heard of two weeks ago? Pushing his members to spend their time working hard for a candidate who would be labeled a racist and destroyed immediately?
I’m sure that Dr. Allen is a fine veterinarian and I admire and appreciate his service in the Air Force, but with these types of sentiments on his blog, he’s just not a viable candidate.
I’m hoping that Ohio’s tea party voters reflect on where their top leadership is taking them. I’m hoping that the tea party and the Republican party can find a way to work together better. There’s a lot more we have in common than we disagree on. President Reagan preferred a “big tent” that didn’t exclude people over small disagreements. This craziness of trying to destroy your own party’s incumbent governor over a couple of policy differences needs to stop.