The teachers’ strike in Strongsville is going into it’s 7th week now.
We previously told you about the ugly harassment that the striking union teachers inflicted on substitutes. They have even gone into the subs neighborhoods and planted “scab fliers” on their neighbors houses with all of their personal information.
The ugly behavior by the Strongsville Education Association (SEA) has continued. Parents have reported that striking teachers have encouraged their children to disrespect the substitutes. SEA members have encouraged parents to keep their kids at home as much as possible, telling them that as long as they aren’t absent for 10 days or more, they won’t have a problem with being charged with truancy.
Parents are also upset that the SEA has spread misinformation intended to make the community afraid of the replacement teachers doing the jobs that the striking union teachers refuse to do. They have insinuated that the substitutes didn’t require a background check and that their children could be surrounded by child molestors at school. That’s outright disgusting.
The average Strongsville teacher earns $64,500 per year, with much better benefits than anyone in the private sector and 3 months off. Counting the summer time off, that’s the equivalent to $48 per hour, a respectable middle class wage. Yet the SEA says it isn’t enough and demands to be paid more by the school board that doesn’t have it to give. The board recently made some concessions from their earlier last, best offer. But SEA leaders will not even allow their members to vote on it.
Yet, despite all of this greed and disgusting behavior that the SEA has inflicted on Strongsville, striking teachers say that the community should be kissing the feet of the striking teachers. Keep watching the rest of the video for testimony from parents who were initially on the side of the teachers until they started seeing their behavior.
The school board held a meeting recently and the parents in attendance were overwhelmingly on the side of the board. The teachers union has alienated most of the community. Watch some of the video below of the meeting to see some of the angry parents shaming the SEA.
The entire situation is sad, but it’s good to see that the community isn’t being fooled by the teacher union’s lies and are fighting back.