Third Base Politics first reported on the story about the Democrat Mayor of Stow Sara Kline and her husband, Robert Kline’s social media problems. Prior to our own story the disgusting tweets had been circulating through Stow and the surrounding communities for several days with no media outlet willing to report on the matter. Within hours of our story publishing, local news sources finally took notice. First the Akron Beacon-Journal ran a story on Thursday which was followed by a Channel 19 story on Friday night.
In the time since our original piece was published both Mayor Kline and Robert have made changes to their social media accounts. At first both changed their twitters to private, but then by Friday morning Robert’s twitter account had been deleted while the Mayor’s was still up but remained set to private. Mayor Kline has also deactivated her facebook account.
The Mayor originally defended her husband in a facebook post by stating that he had a right to his views because of the 1st amendment. Kline was forced to backtrack on these statements after other outlets began picking up the article; in a video message she then stated that she did not condone such rude language and that her family was working through how they would be using social media in the future. Mayor Kline has said that her husband apologized to their family for the hateful and vulgar tweets.
The Mayor’s words are all well and good, but it seems like both Klines have forgotten one thing: an apology to the community for this hateful language. The misogyny, vulgarity, and racism displayed in these tweets are not the sort of behavior that a public servant like Kline, who is a role model to young people in her community, should let standing. It is possible to very strongly disagree with President Trump without “R” rated language.
Make America Civil Again.