

The homeless should vote.

We here at 3BP, want to be sure that we state that fact. We also want to be clear on this point: if a homeless person is registered to vote and has their registration properly validated, we believe that they have every right to vote.

So now you’re asking….why in the hell do we continue to write about the homeless vote in Ohio?

We aren’t. We’re writing about a complete lack of ethical standards by those conducting some of the early voting in Ohio.

Because of stories like this from Palestra about “Vote-From-Home” volunteers and videos like this about “Faith-Vote Columbus”.

Uhhh, yeah you heard that correctly (for those of you who would like a transcript from the video):

Reporter: What’s the general consensus? Who are these people voting for?

Mary Lathon, Volunteer-Faith Vote Columbus: I’m going for Obama. I think it’s time for change.

Reporter: Are you encouraging them to vote for Obama?

Mary Lathon: Oh yes. I am. (laughs) Just like my brother right here.

Reporter: You tell them to vote for…?

Mary Lathon: For Obama. Yes. I do.


To quote the security guard in Shelby Holliday’s Blog on Palestra: “They are stealing this election.”

Apparently some voters even thought that Ronald Reagan was on the ballot.

Dear God, don’t I wish.

More to come…

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