Another gem from 3BP contributor LetsTalk…
We have all heard the claims by Pelosi, et al, that all the dissent in creating a government controlled health care system is manufactured. (By the way, I want to throw a shout out to the US Post Office PR team that dropped the bomb this week that a government run entity CANNOT RUN WELL). Here is another excerpt:
Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) told the Center for America Progress: “These health insurance companies and people like them are trying to load these town hall meetings for visual impact on television. They want to show thousands of people screaming ‘socialism’ and try to overcome the public sentiment, which now favors health care reform. That’s almost like flooding the switchboards on Capitol Hill. It doesn’t prove much other than the switchboards have limited capacity, so we want to have a balanced approach that allows members of Congress to hear both sides of the story, rather than be sucker-punched, or sidetracked by these tactics.”
Doesnt that sound a little desperate? Where are the facts and in depth studys by some John Stossel-type that prove this? Why can the left just make stuff up and expect people to believe it?
Also, when Health Care for America Now! launches a $40 million campaign bankrolled by Soros, Planned Parenthood and SEIU—and manned by ACORN—hey, that’s grassroots. Top-down elitists, government funded ‘health’ and ‘housing’ groups and everyones friend the Unions coming in to save the day and convice people that we need ‘free’ health care so another bureaucracy can be created and… man this makes me mad. You know the rest. Here is a good video/site that puts some humor into the situation.
I hope more people talk.