Back in March, Governor Ted Strickland had this to say about health care medicaid costs in Ohio and the Obamacare bill:
“Between 2014 and 2017 there is no additional cost. And we estimate that going forward after 2017 it’s going to cost Ohio about an additional $200 million a year.”
Um. Not so much.
The sharp Medicaid expansion under the new federal health-care law will cost Ohio taxpayers $1.45 billion from 2014 through 2019, according to projections released to The Dispatch yesterday by the state.
Ohio’s cost, according to the Kaiser analysis, would be $266 million a year, nearly $1.6 billion over the six years and slightly higher than the state projection.
Job and Family Services spokesman Benjamin Johnson said the agency estimates that Ohio’s cost in 2014 will be $190 million and $267 million the next year. By 2019, the state cost will reach an estimated $332 million.
$332 million in 2019? So the Governor’s estimate was only off by 66%. He’s improving! [/sarcasm font off]
And that estimate comes from someone within the Governor’s administration. I think it’s safe to say those costs will go even higher come 2019.
The fact is this. Ohioans were given a raw deal.
And it was a deal advocated by Lee Fisher and Ted Strickland.
Will Ohio voters be willing to forgive these two come November?
Will an ad highlighting their support for massive increases in the Ohio budget despite the upcoming $8 billion deficit be effective?