The job of the Supreme Court is to interpret the law. Not to create it. Creating law is the job of the legislature. We need to keep justices on the OSC who will uphold the Constitution and interpret the law by strictly adhering to what the law says, without regard to emotion and politics.
Unfortunately, when Strickland made the appointment, he announced that Brown would be “a wise and compassionate voice for the most vulnerable.” At the time, former 3BPer Jon had this to say:
With all due respect, that’s ri-damn-diculous.
The job description of a Supreme Court Justice has nothing to do with working to represent one constituency over another. Instead it requires interpreting the law equally and fairly, no matter who it affects.
So is this appointment Strickland’s way of putting forth a “vigorous effort to promote and defend the second amendment”?
Absolutely not.
In fact, it’s just the opposite. His rationale for appointing her speaks directly to her politics and perspective – not her ability to do her job properly. Well, Governor, her politics and perspective earned her an F from the NRA and you deemed her fit to have a seat on the Supreme Court.
The good news is that we have a truly excellent candidate to replace Brown. Butler County Judge Sharon Kennedy is a former police officer and has an incredible list of qualifications.
Both candidates have signed the Ohio State Bar Association’s (OSBA) clean campaign agreement. Unfortunately, Brown has already violated the agreement by attacking Kennedy as a “right-wing tea partier.” Watch her in the video below. (Note: this is a Plunderbund video, so they could take it down if they don’t want us showing you Brown violating her pledge.)
In attacking the tea party, Yvette MvGee Brown seems to be transmitting that she sees the ideas of constitutionally limited government and fiscal responsibility as bad things. Will she also attack the Constitution that she has sworn to uphold?
Indeed, it appears that correctly interpreting the Constitution, her main job, is not much of a concern at all. One only has to compare the two candidates’ websites. On the very front of Kennedy’s she tells us why we should elect her.
Our freedom comes from the Constitution.
The only of it’s kind, the Constitution guarantees our freedom by limiting and balancing the government’s power among three separate but equal branches.
As a former police officer and current Common Pleas Court judge, I took an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America, the State of Ohio and the laws of this state.
With your support, as the next Justice of the Ohio Supreme Court, I will honor the Constitution by upholding the law, not creating it or legislating from the bench.
Now let’s look at Yvette McGee Brown’s website. Why should she be reelected?
Because she was “Born to a teen mom & beat the odds to become the 1st African American woman on the Supreme Court of Ohio.” Looking further, guess how many times the word “Constitution” appears there? That’s her job, remember…interpreting the Constitution.
ZERO. Not. Once.
For someone who wants to continue to sit on the Supreme Court, that is very disturbing.
While the races for Senator and President will be at the front of stage, we can’t forget about incredibly important races like Supreme Court Justices. Make sure you show your support for Sharon Kennedy.