Rasmussen is reporting a nine point swing in the Virginia Governor’s race.
Bob McDonnell is now up on Creigh Deeds 44-41. Just one month ago, Deeds held a 47-41 lead.
More good news for McDonnell is his approve/disapprove margin of 23 points. Deeds’ margin is a paltry 14. Put this news on top of the reports of a massive financial advantage and McDonnell is clearly in the drivers seat.
One number in particular stood out. McDonnell leads Deeds by a 2-1 margin when it comes to whom to trust on government spending. In a state that had been trending blue the past few cycles, this is great news for Republicans that want to embrace a comeback behind the issue of fiscal discipline.
Now run with it.
Remember, the November Virginia and New Jersey gubernatorial elections have the potential to be vitally important to the 2010 races. Keep a close eye on what’s to come…