In an election year that is almost entirely focused on unemployment and how to get more Americans back to work, Barack Obama hasn’t met with his own “Jobs Council”, comprised of corporate and labor leaders from around the country, for six months now. Politico reports:
President Barack Obama’s Jobs Council hasn’t met publicly for six months, even as the issue of job creation dominates the 2012 election.
When asked why Obama hasn’t been more focused on meeting with the council he created and following their recommendations, White House spokesman Jay Carney replied that he is just too busy.
“There’s no specific reason, except the president has obviously got a lot on his plate,” Carney said during the daily White House briefing. “But he continues to solicit and receive advice from numerous folks outside the administration about the economy about ideas that he can act on with Congress or administratively to help the economy grow and help create jobs.”
Really? Let’s take a look at what Obama has had on his plate in the last six months.
- He has attended 106 fundraisers
- He has played a dozen rounds of golf
- He has played kissy with his wife on the Kiss-cam.
Could Obama make it any clearer? While flying around the country attending fundraisers and tearing down business owners by telling them that they didn’t build their own businesses, he is making it painfully obvious that he is not really concerned with American jobs. Just his job.
The Romney campaign issued the following statement:
“President Obama apparently has too much ‘on his plate’ to meet with his jobs council. But after yet another disappointing jobs report and the ‘worst economic recovery America has ever had,’ it’s clear the President should have spent more time focusing on creating jobs for the country, and less time trying to save his own job. On Day One, Mitt Romney will get to work to jumpstart our economy and put Americans back to work.”
This is the most economically clueless president this country has ever had. Make sure you get involved to help defeat him. Also check out one business owners reaction to Obama telling him, “You didn’t build that.”
UPDATE: good new ad targeting Obama for being too busy.