
Who will win Jimmy?

As we said yesterday in discussing Kasich’s new business regulation initiative, results matter.

With that in mind, who is going to win voters like this one?

[Jimmy] Barousis is the third generation in his family to run the donut shop, Buckeye Donuts, ONN’s Jim Heath reported on Wednesday.

He said in the last 10 years dealing with regulators has gotten worse.

“Even if it’s a mistake on their end, we still have to jump through a couple hoops because it’s hard to get a hold of somebody right away,” Barousis said. “There’s not just a number you can call, you have to stay on the phone awhile.”

The complaints about various regulations can be heard in about every small business across Ohio. Now candidates are seizing that message.

“If the attitude is ‘We’re in charge and do it our way’ and there’s no flexibility; you kill the business,” said Republican Gubernatorial candidate John Kasich.

And what’s Strickland’s response?

‘I already fixed the regulations!’

Anyone think Jimmy will buy that as he ponders over each candidate? Didn’t think so.

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