
Whose fault is it?

A three sentence post on the Cincy Examiner’s blog this morning had me riled up.

Gov. Strickland will be back in the Cincinnati area Wednesday, but on the other side of the river.

Not his fault – that’s where the Ohio Teamsters are holding their annual meeting.

According to the governor’s schedule, he will be speaking to the union at 10 a.m. at the Cincinnat Marriot River Center in Covington.

Not his fault? How about asking this question, why are the Ohio Teamsters, an organization that is supposed to be dedicated to helping the Buckeye State’s labor force, taking their money and jumping across state lines to host their big annual meeting?

Ohio’s economy is in the dumps. Strickland going to Kentucky to talk to Ohioans about Ohio issues speaks volumes about what he has let happen to his state.

In other news, Kevin over at OPO has a good post this morning highlighting a sentence that speaks to Strickland’s true nature. Check it out.

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