

“Israel has no God-given right to occupy Palestine.”

“[There’s been] genocide against the Palestinian people by Israelis.”

-Barack Obama, LA Times/Khalidi tape

Honestly, I hope this report is wrong. Obama likely will win next Tuesday and I can’t imagine someone capable of uttering such vomitous language being elected President. In fact, the person who released these quotes has provided accurate insider information about the LA Times earlier in this campaign cycle.

So since all the votes haven’t been counted yet….LET ‘ER RIP!

Get this transcript out there and let Obama refute it. I want surrogates discussing it. I want columns written about it. I want bloggers obsessing over it.

Bring. Him. Down.

UPDATE: Contact the Los Angeles County Republican Party. Encourage them to quickly organize a protest outside of the HQ of the Los Angeles Times. Contact: (323) 215-4505

Or call the LA Times direct: (213) 237-5000; or e-mail via their website.

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